If you are involved in pavement science and engineering, we invite you to be part of APSE, be engaged, and be informed...
APSE is committed to enhancing the recognition of pavement science and engineering as a relevant and important discipline that should be at the forefront of any conversation about infrastructure. APSE members strive to work as a community to achieve this goal through a multitude of activities. Please see our Activities page for more information.
ACADEMIC MEMBERS will be able to...
APSE annual rates
APSE membership annual dues are based on the World bank classification of the country where the member is working. This classification takes into consideration the Gross National Income (GNI) of the country. Please find the list below to find out your rate:
Academic member | Associate member | Student member | |
Country not on List 1 or List 2 (Regular rates) | $150.00 (USD) | $75.00 (USD) | $25.00 (USD) |
Country on List 1 (66% discount) | $50.00 (USD) | $25.00 (USD) | $9.00 (USD) |
Country on List2 (50% discount) | $75.00 (USD) | $37.00 (USD) | $13.00 (USD) |
List 1 (66% discount) | List 2 (50% discount) | List 2 (50% discount) cont. |
Afghanistan (AFG) | Algeria (DZA) | Albania (ALB) |
Burkina Faso (BFA) | Angola (AGO) | American Samoa (ASM) |
Burundi (BDI) | Bangladesh (BGD) | Argentina (ARG) |
Central African Rep (CAF) | Benin (BEN) | Armenia (ARM) |
Chad (TCD) | Bhutan (BTN) | Azerbaijan (AZE) |
Congo, Dem Rep (ZAR) | Boliva (BOL) | Belarus (BLR) |
Eritrea (ERI) | Cabo Verde (CPV) | Belize (BLZ) |
Ethiopia (ETH) | Cambodia (KHM) | Bosnia & Herzegovina (BIH) |
Gambia (GMB) | Cameroon (CMR) | Botswana (BWA) |
Guinea (GIN) | Comoros (COM) | Brazil (BRA) |
Guinea-Bissau (GNB) | Congo, Rep (COG) | Bulgaria (BGR) |
Haiti (HTI) | Cote D’Ivoire (CIV) | China (CHN) * |
Korea, Dem Rep (PRK) | Djibouti (DJI) | Colombia (COL) |
Liberia (LBR) | Egypt, Arab Rep (EGY) | Costa Rica (CRI) |
Madagascar (MDG) | El Salvador (SLV) | Cuba (CUB) |
Malawi (MWI) | Ghana (GHA) | Dominica (DMA) |
Mali (MLI) | Honduras (HND) | Dominican Republic (DOM) |
Mozambique (MOZ) | India (IND) | Ecuador (ECU) |
Niger (NER) | Kenya (KEN) | Equatorial Guinea (GNQ) |
Rwanda (RWA) | Kiribati (KIR) | Fiji (FJI) |
Sierra Leone (SLE) | Kyrgyz Rep (KGZ) | Gabon (GAB) |
Somalia (SOM) | Lao PDR (LAO) | Georgia (GEO) |
South Sudan (SSD) | Lesotho (LSO) | Grenada (GRD) |
Sudan (SDN) | Mauritania (MRT) | Guatemala (GTM) |
Syrian Arab Republic (SYR) | Micronesia Fed States (FSM) | Guyana (GUY) |
Tajikistan (TJK) | Moldova (MDA) | Indonesia (IDN) |
Togo (TGO) | Mongolia (MNG) | Iran (IRN) |
Uganda (UGA) | Morocco (MAR) | Iraq (IRQ) |
Yemen (YEM) | Myanmar (MMR) | Jamaica (JAM) |
Nepal (NPL) | Jordan (JOR) | |
Nicaragua (NIC) | Kazakhstan (KAZ) | |
Nigeria (NGA) | Kosovo (XKX) | |
Pakistan (PAK) | Lebanon (LBN) | |
Papua New Guinea (PNG) | Libya (LBY) | |
Philippines (PHL) | Macedonia (MKD) | |
Sao Tome & Principe (STP) | Malaysia (MYS) | |
Senegal (SEN) | Maldives (MDV) | |
Solomon Islands (SLB) | Marshall Island (MHL) | |
Sri Lanka (LKA) | Mexico (MEX) | |
Swaziland (SWZ) | Montenegro (MNE) | |
Tanzania (TZA) | Namibia (NAM) | |
Timor-Lester (TMP) | Paraguay (PRY) | |
Tunisia (TUN) | Peru (PER) | |
Ukraine (UKR) | Russian Federation (RUS) | |
Uzbekistan (UZB) | Samoa (WSM) | |
Vanuatu (VUT) | Serbia (SRB) | |
Vietnam (VNM) | South Africa (ZAF) | |
West Bank & Gaza (WBG) | St Lucia (LCA) | |
Zambia (ZMB) | St Vincent & the Grenadines (VCT) | |
Zimbabwe (ZWE) | Suriname (SUR) | |
Thailand (THA) | ||
Tonga (TON) | ||
Turkey (TUR) | ||
Turkmenistan (TKM) | ||
Tuvalu (TUV) | ||
Venezuela, RB (VEN) |